Throughout the centuries minerals have played an important role in painting, as they have been used as pigments to provide color. Some of these minerals have been Azurite (blue color), Malachite (green color), Realgar (red color), Orpiment (yellow color), Cinnabar (red color) or Limonite (ochre color).
The search for new tones or their high cost, due to their location or extraction difficulties, opened the way to artificial pigments.

VISIBLE SPECTRUM: 7th place, shortest wavelength.
CLASSIFICATION: secondary, red and blue mixture
RGB (RedGreenBlue) DECIMAL SYSTEM CODE: (170, 0, 255)
CHAKRA: head, brain

VIOLET is a color very appropriate for contemplation, prayer or meditation. It connects us with the spiritual world, with the mysterious. It is an ideal color for changing times in our lives.
In the ambit of flowers, violets are related to calm, to purity, to the beauty of the simple. The image of endless lavender fields inspires us and makes us want to be there, surrounded by them.
Luxury, power and exclusivity are also associated with violet. In ancient times, dyes in this color were difficult to obtain and therefore it was reserved for the wealthiest classes and the highest echelons of society.
At home, violet will provide tranquility and protection to the places that need it. Decorative objects in this color will give a touch of sophistication.
💎MINERALS: Amethyst, Aragonite, Fluorite. Visit our shop for more information.
Amethyst Aragonite Fluorite