Change Cookie Preferences or Block Cookies

At any time you may exercise your right to refuse or delete cookies or to revoke consent to their placement. However, we must warn you that this may result in the website not being able to offer you certain services, such as those listed below:

The website will not be able to customize your preferences, such as language.
You will not be able to create a personal account from which you can access your profile or orders.
You will not be able to make purchases online, as third party cookies such as PayPal or Stripe cannot be installed.
The website will not be able to tell if you are a human or an automated application that publishes spam. You will not be able to share content from that website on Facebook, Twitter or any other social network.

You can delete or refuse cookies in general or from a specific website. To do this, you must go to your browser settings and manage cookies globally or track cookies associated with the domain in question. How you do this depends on the browser you use. Below we indicate how to configure cookies for the most popular browsers (these steps may vary depending on the version of the browser).


Go to Settings and select Privacy and Security. In the Privacy and Security section, click the Site Settings option. Click See all Cookies and Site Data. Select the desired level of privacy.


Click Tools and choose Internet.
Click on Privacy and enter Advanced Settings.
Select the desired level of privacy.


Select Options or Preferences according to your operating system. Click on Privacy & Security. Choose the level of privacy you want under Browser Privacy.


Choose Preferences and click on Privacy.
Here you will see a list of all the available option and choose the level of privacy you want.


Go to Settings and then to Privacy and Security.
Here you will see several options and can choose the level of privacy you want.


Open the browser, press Menu button and then Settings.
Go to Privacy and Security, and you’ll see the option Accept cookies so you can check or uncheck the box.