CLASS: Sulfide . . . . CHEMICAL FORMULA: Sb2S3 . . . . CRYSTAL SYSTEM: Rhombic
CRYSTAL FORM: prism, pinacoid, rhombic bipyramid; frequently, it appears in radial and elongated formations. It usually presents striations in the longitudinal axis.
COLOR: lead grey, sometimes with iridescent or blue reflections.
PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: soft (2 Mohs), heavy (4.63 g/cm3), exfoliating parallel to the longitudinal axis, fracturable and sectile transversely to the longitudinal axis, opaque, with metallic luster.
It is also known as STIBNITE, in relation to the Latin word Stibium with which Antimony (Sb) was formerly identified.
CURIOSITIES: it is related to the reinforcement of self-confidence to face changes.

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